Man pages for idiazst/survtmlerct
TMLE with improved efficiency guarantees for RCTs

aipw_probCompute AIPW of survival probability
aipw_rmstCompute AIPW of RMST
boundBound a vector of probabilities in [r, 1] for r > 0
bound01Bound a vector of probabilities in [r, 1 - r] for r > 0
ipw_rmstCompute IPW of RMST
tmle_probCompute TMLE of survival probability with efficiency gains
tmle_rmstCompute TMLE of RMST with efficiency gains
transformDataTransform a survival dataset from short to long form
unadjusted_probCompute unadjusted Kaplan-Meier estimators of survival...
unadjusted_rmstCompute unadjusted IPW and Kaplan-Meier estimators of RMST
idiazst/survtmlerct documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 10:13 a.m.