
# data.table is generally careful to minimize the scope for namespace conflicts
# (i.e., functions with the same name as in other packages); a more conservative
# approach using @importFrom should be careful to import any needed data.table
# special symbols as well, e.g., if you run DT[ , .N, by='grp'] in your package,
# you'll need to add @importFrom data.table .N to prevent the NOTE from R CMD
# check. See ?data.table::`special-symbols` for the list of such symbols
# data.table defines; see the 'Importing data.table' vignette for more advice
# (vignette('datatable-importing', 'data.table')).
#' @import data.table
ihmeuw-demographics/demCore documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 11:05 p.m.