Man pages for ihmeuw-demographics/hierarchyUtils
Utility Functions for Hierarchically Structured Data

agg_scaleAggregate/Scale a detailed level of a hierarchical variable...
collapse_common_intervalsCollapse an interval variable to the most detailed common set...
create_treeCreate a data.tree object to be used for aggregating or...
gen_interval_colsGenerate columns to help describe numeric variable intervals
helper_common_intervalsHelper functions for collapsing to the most detailed common...
hierarchyUtilshierarchyUtils: Utility Functions for Hierarchically...
iran_mappingIran Provinces Mapping from 1950 to Today
iran_popIran Census Population Counts
missing_intervals_dtCheck if the interval column in a data.table missing any...
overlapping_intervals_dtCheck if the interval column in a data.table has overlapping...
split_unknownSplit unknown groupings
ihmeuw-demographics/hierarchyUtils documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m.