iran_pop: Iran Census Population Counts

iran_popR Documentation

Iran Census Population Counts


Publicly available sex and age specific population counts for Iran at the national level and provinces that existed during the census year.




A data.table with 10764 rows and 9 columns:

  • location: name of the location (corresponds to a location in iran_mapping).

  • year: year the census was conducted.

  • sex: either 'female' or 'male'.

  • age_start: start of the age interval in years.

  • age_end: end of the age interval in years.

  • source_name: name of the source that provided the census data population count.

  • nid: unique identifier for the catalog record in the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) that directly provided the population count.

  • underlying_nid: unique identifier for the catalog record in the Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx) that the source can be attributed to if provided by a data vendor (like the Demographic Year Book, DYB).

  • population: population count for the location-sex-age_group-source.

ihmeuw-demographics/hierarchyUtils documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:18 a.m.