
The goal of warrenr is to take persistently() for a spin. This is based on @richierocks's PR to purrr, where he proposes persistently(). The goal is that this capability be merged into purrr.


You can install warrenr from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Let's say you have an API call that does not work 100% of the time, due to vagaries of the network, etc.

result <- fragile_api_call(arg1 = "foo", ...)

If the call fails, you would like that the call be repeated. Hence the adverb persistently().

persistent_api_call <- warrenr::persistently(fragile_api_call)

This returns a new function that will run persistently:

result <- persistent_api_call(arg1 = "foo", ...)

There are arguments for max_attempts (default: 5) and wait_seconds (default: 0.1 s). Should the function throw an error, each subsequent call will wait twice the amount of time as it previously waited (plus some random fuzz).

ijlyttle/warrenr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 8:34 a.m.