Man pages for ikosmidis/brglm2
Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear Models

aidsThe effects of AZT in slowing the development of AIDS...
alligatorsAlligator food choice data
braclBias reduction for adjacent category logit models for ordinal...
brglm2brglm2: Bias Reduction in Generalized Linear Models
brglm2-defunctDefunct Functions in package 'brglm2'
brglmControlAuxiliary function for 'glm()' fitting using the 'brglmFit()'...
brglmFitFitting function for 'glm()' for reduced-bias estimation and...
brmultinomBias reduction for multinomial response models using the...
brnbBias reduction for negative binomial regression models
coalitionCoalition data
coef.brglmFitExtract model coefficients from '"brglmFit"' objects
coef.brglmFit_expoExtract estimates from '"brglmFit_expo"' objects
coef.brnbExtract model coefficients from '"brnb"' objects
confint.brglmFitMethod for computing confidence intervals for one or more...
confint.brmultinomMethod for computing confidence intervals for one or more...
confint.brnbMethod for computing Wald confidence intervals for one or...
endometrialHistology grade and risk factors for 79 cases of endometrial...
enzymesLiver Enzyme Data
expo.brglmFitEstimate the exponential of parameters of generalized linear...
hepatitisPost-transfusion hepatitis: impact of non-A, non-B hepatitis...
lizardsHabitat preferences of lizards
misA '"link-glm"' object for misclassified responses in binomial...
ordinal_superiority.braclOrdinal superiority scores of Agresti and Kateri (2017)
predict.braclPredict method for bracl fits
predict.brmultinomPredict method for brmultinom fits
residuals.brmultinomResiduals for multinomial logistic regression and adjacent...
simulate.brmultinomMethod for simulating a data set from '"brmultinom"' and...
simulate.brnbSimulate Responses
stemcellOpinion on Stem Cell Research and Religious Fundamentalism
summary.brglmFit'summary()' method for brglmFit objects
summary.brnb'summary()' method for '"brnb"' objects
vcov.brglmFitReturn the variance-covariance matrix for the regression...
vcov.brnbExtract model variance-covariance matrix from '"brnb"'...
ikosmidis/brglm2 documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 10:41 a.m.