stemcell: Opinion on Stem Cell Research and Religious Fundamentalism

stemcellR Documentation

Opinion on Stem Cell Research and Religious Fundamentalism


A data set from the 2006 General Social Survey that shows the relationship in the United States between opinion about funding stem cell research and the fundamentalism/liberalism of one’s religious beliefs, stratified by gender.




A data frame with 24 rows and 4 variables:

  • research: opinion about funding stem cell research with levels definitely, probably, ⁠probably not⁠, ⁠definitely not⁠

  • gender: the gender of the respondent with levels female and male

  • religion: the fundamentalism/liberalism of one’s religious beliefs with levels fundamentalist, moderate, liberal frequency: the number of times a respondent fell in each of the combinations of levels for research, religion and gender


The stemcell data set is analyzed in Agresti (2010, Subsection 4.1.5).


Agresti A (2010). Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data (2nd edition). Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Wiley.

See Also


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