Man pages for ikosmidis/cranly
Package Directives and Collaboration Networks in CRAN

as.igraph.cranly_networkCoerce a 'cranly_network' to an 'igraph::graph' object
build_dependence_tree'build_dependence_tree' method for an object
build_dependence_tree.cranly_networkConstruct a 'cranly_dependence_tree' object
build_network.cranly_dbCompute edges and nodes of package directives and...
clean_CRAN_dbClean and organize package and author names in the output of...
clean_up_authorClean up author names
clean_up_directivesClean up package directives
compute_dependence_treeComputes the dependence tree of a package
compute_term_frequencyCompute term frequencies from a vector of text
cranlycranly: CRAN package database analytics and visualizations
extractor-functionsFind packages, authors, maintainers, license, versions etc by...
plot.cranly_dependence_treeInteractive visualization of package(s) dependence tree from...
plot.cranly_networkInteractive visualization of a package or author...
plot.summary_cranly_networkTop-n package or author barplots according to a range of...
standardize_whitespaceStandardize whitespace in strings
subset.cranly_networkSubset a 'cranly_network' according to author, package and/or...
summary.cranly_dependence_treesummary method for 'cranly_dependence_tree' objects
summary.cranly_networkCompute a range of package directives and collaboration...
word_cloud.cranly_networkwordcloud of author names, package descriptions, and package...
ikosmidis/cranly documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 7:55 p.m.