Man pages for ilmenichetti/reclim
calculating climate scaling factors for the ICBM SOC modell

aboveground_testdataaboveground data used to test the reclim package
add.yearsExtrapolates future climate
FCinternal function for determining the soil field capacity
fill.naFill NAs in the data with linear interpolation
GAIInternal function to calculate the GAI (Green Area Index)...
is.leapyearIdentifies if a year is leap or not
PETInternal function to calculate the PET
porosInternal function for determining the soil porosity from...
reclimWrapper for the functions calculating the ICBM climate...
reclim_annualfunction to aggregate the calculated values by year
re_temperatureinternal function for determining the dependence of...
re_waterinternal function for determining the dependence of...
re_water_moyinternal function for determining the dependence of...
soiltempinternal function for determining the soil temperature from...
waterbalanceInternal function for the water balance model
weather_testdataweather data used to test the reclim package
WPInternal function for determining the soil wilting point
ilmenichetti/reclim documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 7:15 p.m.