Man pages for iloveless1/EPIExPRS
Associates DNA Methylation with Matched gene Expression

AdjustFunction for associating race adjusted DNA methylation with...
ConstructFunction for associating DNA methylation with matched mRNA...
D2Calculate Accuracy
imputationImputation function for DNA methylation
InteractFunction for associating race adjusted DNA methylation with...
MakeEpiXprSCreates a MultiAssay object containing RNA counts, DNA...
model_searchAllows user to search provided models for CpG sites that are...
ModelSearchAllows user to search provided models for CpG sites that are...
plogitBack end imputation methods for DNA Methylation
preparePrepare CpG sites and expression for modeling
ProcTestTest data for EpiXprS functionality that has been...
SpecificFunction for associating race specific DNA methylation with...
TestdatTest data for EpiXprS functionality including missing data...
TestDataTest data for EpiXprS functionality
iloveless1/EPIExPRS documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 6:55 p.m.