Man pages for ilyamaclean/climvars
Functions for calculating biologically meaningful climate variables

arraytoncarraytonc: Create an nc file from an array
bio1bio1: Calculates mean annual temperature
bio10bio10: Calculates mean temperature of the Warmest quarter
bio11bio11: Calculates mean temperature of the coldest quarter
bio12bio12: Calculates total annual precipitation
bio13bio13: Calculates precipitation of the wettest period
bio14bio14: Calculates precipitation of the driest period
bio15bio15: Calculates precipitation seasonality
bio16bio16: Calculates precipitation of the wettest quarter
bio17bio17: Calculates precipitation of the driest quarter
bio18bio18: Precipitation of the warmest quarter
bio19bio19: Precipitation of the coldest quarter
bio2bio2: Calculates mean annual diurnal temperature range
bio3bio3: Calculates isothermality
bio4bio4: Calculates temperature seasonality
bio5bio5: Calculates maximum temperature of the warmest period of...
bio6bio6: Calculates minimum temperature of the coldest period of...
bio7bio7: Annual temperature range
bio8bio8: Calculates mean temperature of Wettest quarter
bio9bio9: Calculates mean temperature of the driest quarter
cumsumseqcumsumseq #'@description 'cumsumseq' is used to create a...
eventsevents: determines the number of events
gseasongseason: Calculates the period where plant growth is possible
gseason_daygseason_day: Determine daytime hours
gseasonlengthgseasonlength: Growing season length
gseason_precgseason_prec: Calculates the growing season period as...
gseason_soilmoistgseason_soilmoist: Growing season soil moisture content
gseason_tempgseason_temp: Calculates the growing season period as...
gseasprecgseasonprecip: Total precipitation during the growing season
gseastempgseastemp: Mean temperature during the growing season
gslgsl: Growing season length
gsmaxgsmax: Maximum temperature during the growing season
gspgsp: Total precipitation during growing season
gssmgssm: Soil moisture content during the growing season
gstgst: Mean growing season temperature
helloHello, World!
maxgstempmaxgstemp: Maximum temperature during the growing season
mstmst: Mean summer temperature
mtorastermtoraster: Convert a matrix to raster object
nctoarraynctoarray: Creates an array containing data within an nc file
resamplearrayresamplearray: resamples an array to the dimensions of...
resamplencresamplenc: Reformat an nc file to new dimensions.
sisimplesisimple: Calculates the solar index
ssmssm: Summer soil moisture content
summerprecipsummerprecip: Total Summer precipitation
summersoilmoistsummersoilmoist: Soil moisture content during summer
summertempsummertemp: Mean summer temperature
tmecreatetmecreate: Creates a 'POSIXlt' object representing calendar...
tsptsp: Total summer precipitation
ilyamaclean/climvars documentation built on June 19, 2019, 2:22 p.m.