Man pages for ilyamaclean/microctools
Various worker functions for microclimc package

attencoefCalculate mixing length for canopy air transport
canlwCalculates longwave radiation underneath vegetated canopies
canswCalculates radiation received under vegetated canopies
cantransdifCalculates diffuse radiation transmission through vegetated...
cantransdirCalculates direct beam radiation transmission through...
clearskyradCalculates clear sky radiation
climdataA data frame of hourly weather
converthumidityConvert between different measures of humidity
cpairCalculate molar specific heat of air
dewpointCalculates dew point temperature
diabatic.approxCalculates approximation of diabatic correction factor above...
diabatic_corCalculates diabatic correction factor above canopy
diabatic_cor_canCalculates diabatic correction factor in canopy
difpropCalculates the diffuse fraction from incoming shortwave...
dot-cgradabsInternal function to compute canopy and ground radiation...
dot-FanimInternal function to calculate the fraction of radiation...
dot-gcanopy2Internal function for computing below canopy turbulent...
dot-gforcedInternal function for computing forced convection
dot-gradabsInternal function to compute ground radiation absorption
dot-gstomatalInternal function to calculate leaf stomatal conductance
dot-gturb2Internal function for computing turbulent convection
dot-habgengenerates PAI and pLAI for a given habitat type
dot-lradabsInternal function to compute leaf radiation absorption
dot-PAI.sortReturns PAI for multiple years
dot-PenBelowInternal function to apply Penman-Monteith equation below...
dot-PenMontInternal function to apply Penman-Monteith equation
dot-psunlitdCalculates the effective fraction of sunlit leaves for...
dot-tme.sortConverts daily times to hourly
FpradCalculates view factor of organism for beam radiation
gcanopyCalculates conductance under turbulent convection within the...
gforcedfreeCalculates forced or free laminer conductance
globalclimateA dataset of global climate variables
gturbCalculate conductance under turbulent convection above canopy
habitatsA table of habitat types
habitatvarsDerives vegetation paramaters from habitat type
hourlyncep_convertReformats a data frame returned by 'microclima::hourlyNCEP()'
iwgeometryGenerates relative turbulence intensity profile
jdayCalculates the astronomical Julian day
LAIfracGenerates fraction of green leaves profile
layeraverageMerges canopy air layers and calculates average properties
layercondCalculate canopy layer vapour conductivity
layerinterpInterpolates values from merged canopy layers
layermergeDetermines whether canopy air layers should be merged
mixinglengthCalculate mixing length for canopy air transport
OperativeTCalculates Operative Temperature
PAIfromhabitatDerives leaf area index, leaf geometry and canopy height from...
PAIgeometryGenerates plant area index profile
phairCalculate molar density of air
plotresultsFunction to plot temperature profile
psunlitCalculates the fraction of sunlit leaves
RadabsCalculates radiation absorbed by an organism
radmultCalculates a multiplication factor for radiation absorbtion...
roughlengthCalculate roughness length governing momentum transfer
satvapCalculate saturated vapour pressure
soilkCalculates soil heat conductivity and capacity
soilrhCalculate relative humidity of soil
solaltCalculates the solar altitude
solarcoefCalculates the solar coefficient
solartimeCalculates the solar time
solaziCalculates the solar azimuth
TaboveCompute temperature above canopy
TbodyCompute ectotherm body temperature
TcanopyCompute below-canopy air temperature
terraincoefCompute terrain influencing factor
TgroundCompute ground surface temperature
ThesCompute temperature of heat exchange surface
thetangleCalculates angle between organism and sun
thickgeometryGenerates vegetation thickness profile
windadjustApply height adjustment to wind speed
windsimSimulates wind gusts
zeroplanedisCalculate zero plane displacement
ilyamaclean/microctools documentation built on Jan. 25, 2023, 5:29 a.m.