Man pages for imadmali/NBAapi
Access the NBA API.

circlePlot a Circle
draw_halfcourtPlot Half Court
game_idGet Game Identifiers for NBA
get_boxscorescoringv2Get Boxscore Scoring (V2)
get_boxscoresummaryv2Get Boxscore Summary (V2)
get_pbpGet Play-by-Play Data
get_pbp2Get Play-by-Play Data (V2)
get_playerinfoGet Player Information Data
get_shotchartGet Shot Chart Data
get_teaminfoGet Team Year Availability Information
get_teamrosterGet Team Roster Information
half_court_hexHalf-court Hexagon Lattice
half_court_rasterRaster Half Court
json2dfConvert an NBA JSON file to a Data Frame
make_urlConstruct NBA API URL
merge_shot_dataMerge Shot Data with Half Court Lattice Shapefile
NBAapi-packageAccessing the NBA API
nba-datasetsSaved datasets for examples
new_hexOrigin Hexgon
player_idsGet Player Identifiers for NBA
plot_hexesPlot Hexagon Shot Chart
resize_hexesResize Hexagons
team_idsGet Team Identifiers for NBA
imadmali/NBAapi documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:31 p.m.