scalegram: Estimate and plot scalegram

Description Usage Arguments Value


The function scalegram computes (and by default plots) the aggregation curve of a given statistic in a single dimension.


scalegram(x, stat = "var", std = TRUE, threshold = 30, plot = TRUE, fast = FALSE, ...)



A numeric vector.


The statistic which will be estimated across the cross-scale continuum. Suitable options are:

  • "var" for variance,

  • "sd" for standard deviation,

  • "skew" for skewness,

  • "kurt" for kurtosis,

  • "l2" for L-scale,

  • "t2" for coefficient of L-variation,

  • "t3" for L-skewness,

  • "t4" for L-kurtosis.


logical. If TRUE (the default) the scalegram is standardized to unit, i.e., zero mean and unit variance in the original time scale.


numeric. Sample size of the time series at the last aggregated scale (see Details).


logical. If TRUE (the default) the scalegram is plotted.


logical. If TRUE the scalegram is estimated only in logarithmic scale; 1, 2, 3, ... , 10, 20, 30, ... , 100, 200, 300 etc.


log_x and log_y (default TRUE) for setting the axes of the scalegram plot to logarithmic scale. The argument wn (default FALSE) is used to plot a line presenting the standardized variance of the white noise process. Therefore, it should be used only with stat = "var" and std = T.


If plot = TRUE, the scalegram returns a list containing:

scalegram(rnorm(1000), wn = T)

data(gpm_nl, knmi_nl, rdr_nl, ncep_nl, cnrm_nl, gpm_events) scalegram(knmi_nl$prcp, threshold = 10, fast = T)

scalegram(gpm_nl$prcp, stat = "skew", std = F, log_x = F, log_y = F, smooth = T)

gpm_skew <- scalegram(gpm_nl$prcp, stat = "skew", std = F, log_x = F, log_y = F, smooth = T, plot = F) rdr_skew <- scalegram(rdr_nl$prcp, stat = "skew", std = F, log_x = F, log_y = F, smooth = T, plot = F) scalegram_multiplot(rbind(data.frame(gpm_skew, dataset = "gpm"), data.frame(rdr_skew, dataset = "rdr")), log_x = F, log_y = F, smooth = T)

set_1 <- data.frame(scalegram(gpm_nl$prcp, plot = F, fast = T), dataset = "gpm") set_2 <- data.frame(scalegram(rdr_nl$prcp, plot = F, fast = T), dataset = "radar") set_3 <- data.frame(scalegram(knmi_nl$prcp, plot = F, fast = T), dataset = "station") set_4 <- data.frame(scalegram(ncep_nl$prcp, plot = F, fast = T), dataset = "ncep") set_5 <- data.frame(scalegram(cnrm_nl$prcp, plot = F, fast = T), dataset = "cnrm") scalegram_multiplot(rbind(set_1, set_2, set_3, set_4, set_5))

Markonis, Y., & Koutsoyiannis, D. (2013). Climatic variability over time scales spanning nine orders of magnitude: Connecting Milankovitch cycles with Hurst–Kolmogorov dynamics. Surveys in Geophysics, 34(2), 181-207.

Pappas, C., Mahecha, M. D., Frank, D. C., Babst, F., & Koutsoyiannis, D. (2017). Ecosystem functioning is enveloped by hydrometeorological variability. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1(9), 1263.

imarkonis/scalegram documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:44 a.m.