Man pages for inSileco/graphicsutils
Collection of graphics utilities

addAxisAdd Spatial Cardinal Directions to Axis Labels
addFrameAdd a Checkerboard-Like Frame around a Plot
addGridAdd a Grid to a Plot
arrows2Add arrows to a plot
biBoxplotA bi-boxplot
blendColorsBlend colors
box2Alternative box function
boxplot2Custom boxplots
circlesDraw circles
colorScaleCreate a color scale
compassRoseCompass Rose
contrastColorsContrast colors.
darkenLighten or darken colors
donutDonut chart
ellipseDraw ellipses
encircleEncircle points
envelopCompute the coordinates of an envelop
frameItDraw a frame around a plot
ganttChartGantt Chart
getAngle2dAngles between vectors.
gpuPalettegraphicsutils colors palettes
gpuPalettesComplete list of graphicsutils' color palettes
howManyRCHow many rows and columns
image2Alternative image function
interactiveLayoutAn interactive version of 'layout'
pchImageImages as plotting characters
percXValues at a given percentage of the axis
pickColorsPick colors up
plot0An empty plot function
plotAreaColorColor the plot area
plotImageDisplay an image
plotMeansPlots means and error associated
plotOnSideAdd plot on sides.
pointsInPolygonAre points inside a polygon?
polarPlotPolar plot
prettyRangePretty range
shadowTextShadow a Text
showPaletteDisplays a color palette
stackedAreasStacked areas chart
textBoxAdd a Box around a Text
toFigConvert coordinates
vecfield2dVector Fields.
inSileco/graphicsutils documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 11:13 p.m.