Man pages for inSileco/letiRmisc
inSileco Miscellaneous Functions

adjustStringsAdjust the size of character strings
aggregateColAggregate columns
applyStringApply a function on character strings
assignClass2dfAssign a class to columns
assignIdsAssign an id to a list of characters or factors
categorizeAssign categories
commaAndPaste element and add elememt separators.
dfTemplateCreate a data frame from scratch or based on one or two data...
duplicateRowDuplicates elements of a data frame
findThemFind values in a given vector
gaussianShapeFlexible bell-shaped function
getDigitsExtract digits from a character vector
getExtensionExtract file name, extension and basename ofrom a path.é
keepWordsKeep a selection of words or letters
logisticLogistic functions
loremIpsumLorem ipsum.
meanAlongCompute the mean along a vector
msgInfoPre-formatted message functions
multiMatchMultiple match
packagesUsedGet a data frame of package and their installed version.
readYamlHeaderReads YAML headers
renameRename object
scaleWithinScale a set of values
seqRgGenerate a regular sequence based on the range of a vector
setColClassSet class of data frames columns
signifSymbolsA simple function to associated p-values with symbols
squaretizeMakes a data frame or a matrix square
stopwatchTimer and Stopwatch
tblDownWrite data frames in a document
whichIsSearch values or patterns in a vector
inSileco/letiRmisc documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 2:19 p.m.