Man pages for inbo/INBOtheme
Themes for ggplot2

colour_blind_distanceCalculate a distance matrix between colours for colour blind...
colour_distanceCalculate a distance matrix between colours
demo_paletteDemonstrate colours in a palette
deprecatedDeprecated functions
dimensionsStandard dimensions for the Elsevier style guide
inbo_colours_2015Colour according to the INBO style guide version >= 2015
inbo_paletteA Colour Palette According the INBO Style Guide Version >=...
marginObjects exported from other packages
nara_paletteA Colour Palette for NARA reports.
optimal_orderOrder variables to maximise contrasts
ordinal_palettePalette for ordinal variables
scale_colour_discreteredefine 'ggplot2::scale_colour_discrete()'
scale_colour_gradientredefine 'ggplot2::scale_colour_gradient()'
scale_colour_gradient2redefine 'ggplot2::scale_colour_gradient2()'
scale_fill_discreteredefine 'ggplot2::scale_fill_discrete()'
scale_fill_gradientredefine 'ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient()'
scale_fill_gradient2redefine 'ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2()'
scale_viridisredefine 'ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_d()'
show_paletteShow a palette on a single row
switch_colourSwitch the default colour of all 'ggplot2' 'geoms'.
theme_elsevierTheme in compliance with the style guide of Elsevier journals
theme_inboThe theme in compliance with the INBO style guide version >=...
theme_mapa 'ggplot2' theme which removes labels, ticks and titles from...
theme_naraThe theme for NARA reports.
theme_vlaanderen2015The theme in compliance with the Flanders style guide version...
traffic_paletteA Colour Palette Ranging From a Dark Red over Medium Orange...
vlaanderen_coloursSome colours for the corporate style of Taken...
vlaanderen_paletteA colour pallet according the Flanders style guide version >=...
inbo/INBOtheme documentation built on April 6, 2023, 5:09 a.m.