write_eml: Transform a Camera Trap Data Package to EML

View source: R/write_eml.R

write_emlR Documentation

Transform a Camera Trap Data Package to EML


Transforms the metadata of a Camera Trap Data Package object to an Ecological Metadata Language (EML) file.


write_eml(x, directory, derived_paragraph = TRUE)



Camera Trap Data Package object, as returned by read_camtrapdp().


Path to local directory to write files to.


If TRUE, a paragraph will be added to the abstract, indicating that data have been transformed using write_dwc().


eml.xml file written to disk. And invisibly, an EML::eml object.

Transformation details

Metadata are derived from what is provided in x. The following properties are set:

  • title: Title as provided in x$title.

  • type: Set to Occurrence in keywords.

  • subtype: Set to Observation in keywords.

  • update frequency: Set to unknown.

  • description: Description as provided in x$description. If derived_paragraph = TRUE a generated paragraph is added, e.g.:

    Data have been standardized to Darwin Core using the camtrapdp R package and only include observations (and associated media) of animals. Excluded are records that document blank or unclassified media, vehicles and observations of humans.

  • license: License with scope data as provided in x$licenses.

  • creators: Contributors as provided in x$contributors, excluding those with roles rightsHolder and publisher.

  • contact: Contributors with role contact. If none exist, first creator.

  • metadata provider: Same as contact.

  • keywords: Keywords as provided in x$keywords.

  • geographic coverage: Bounding box as provided in x$spatial.

  • taxonomic coverage: Taxa as provided in x$taxonomic.

  • temporal coverage: Date range as provided in x$temporal.

  • project data: Title, acronym as identifier, description, and sampling design as provided in x$project.

  • alternative identifier: Identifier as provided in x$id. If this is a DOI, no new DOI will be created when publishing to GBIF.

  • external link: URL of the project as provided in x$project$path.

The following properties are not set:

  • publishing organization

  • associated parties

  • sampling methods

  • citations

  • collection data: not applicable.

See Also

Other transformation functions: merge_camtrapdp(), round_coordinates(), shift_time(), write_dwc()


x <- example_dataset()
(write_eml(x, directory = "my_directory"))

# Clean up (don't do this if you want to keep your files)
unlink("my_directory", recursive = TRUE)

inbo/camtrapdp documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 3:31 a.m.