ipb-halle/MetFamily: MetFamily: Discovering Regulated Metabolite Families in Untargeted Metabolomics Studies

We present a novel approach for the untargeted discovery of metabolite families offering a bird's eye view of metabolic regulation in comparative metabolomics. We implemented the presented methodology in the easy-to-use web application MetFamily to enable the analysis of comprehensive metabolomics studies for all researchers worldwide.

Getting started

Package details

Authorc( person("Hendrik", "Treutler, role = c("aut"), email = "hendrik.treutler@ipb-halle.de"), person("Khabat", "Vahabi, role = c("aut"), email = "khabat.vahabi@ipb-halle.de"), person(given = "Steffen", family = "Neumann", email = "sneumann@ipb-halle.de", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7899-7192")) )
Bioconductor views Software Visualization
MaintainerHendrik Treutler<hendrik.treutler@ipb-halle.de>
LicenseGPL (>= 2) + file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
ipb-halle/MetFamily documentation built on July 6, 2024, 7:52 a.m.