check_desc: Check a DESCRIPTION file on spelling errors.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


The function checks a package's DESCRIPTION file on spelling errors, particularly Title: and Description: sections.


check_desc(pkg_dir = getwd())



a character vector of length one, specifying the location of a package. The default value is the working directory (getwd). Missing value will be ignored. The folder must contain file DESCRIPTION.


This function looks for the DESCRIPTION file in pkg_dir directory, reads this file, and checks Title: and Description: sections in typos with a help of hunspell package.

Note: Each line in section Description: must be intended by 4 spaces.


A data.frame with columns: File, Line, Word. The File is DESCRIPTION file; Line is the number of the line, where the error appears, and Word is the word with error.

See Also

check_pkg, check_rd

irudnyts/pkgspell documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:49 a.m.