
#  firstapiR.R version 2.0.1 ===================================================
#' firstapiR 2.0.1: R Functions for Connecting to the FIRST API Server
#' The firstapiR package provides functions that connect to the FIRST API server
#' and download data on FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams, events, match
#' results, and awards. FirstapiR also contains utility functions for reshaping
#' data frames into wide or long formats, and to save FRC data to local files.
#' The FIRST API accepts formatted hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) GET
#' requests and provides FRC data in either javascript object notation (JSON) or
#' extensible markup language (XML) format. Detailed documentation for the FIRST
#' API, including precise rules for constructing the HTTP requests, is available
#' at \url{http://docs.frcevents2.apiary.io/#}
#' A username and authorization key are required for connecting to the FIRST API
#' and for using firstapiR. To obtain a username and key, join the \emph{FIRST
#' Community Developers} project on TeamForge at
#' \url{https://usfirst.collab.net/sf/projects/first_community_developers/}
#' These functions return R dataframes by default. Optionally, the functions
#' can also return the raw JSON or XML that is provided by the FIRST API. See
#' the apiary documentation (\url{http://docs.frcevents2.apiary.io/#}) for a
#' detailed description of all response data fields.
#' These functions use version 2.0 of the FIRST API. They have not been tested
#' with version 1.0.
#'@name firstapiR

# TODO: Re-download data

# FirstapiR's R code is split into three files.
#   * firstapiR_main.R contains functions that generate HTTP requests, send
#     them to the FIRST API server, and format the returned data as either XML,
#     JSON, or as R data frames.
#   * firstapiR_util.R contains utility functions for manipulating FRC data
#     after it has been downloaded.
#  *  firstapiR_internal contains internal helper functions that are only
#     available within the firstapiR package.
#  *

# The firstapiR package requires the following R packages.
#   * base64enc
#   * httr
#   * jsonlite
#   * XML

#' Standard firstapiR Attributes
#' Objects returned by firstapiR functions that begin with \emph{Get} have the
#' following attributes:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \emph{url}: Character vector containing URL submitted to FIRST API
#'     server.
#'   \item \emph{local_test_data}: \code{TRUE} if data was extracted from
#'     R/sysdata.rda file.
#'   \item \emph{local_url}: Character vector containing URL used to download
#'     local data.
#'   \item \emph{time_downloaded}: Character vector containing the local
#'     system time that the object was downladed from the FIRST API server.
#'     Formatted an an http date and time string.
#'   \item \emph{last_modified}: Character vector containing the date and time
#'     that the data was last modified by the FIRST API server.
#'   \item \emph{mod_since}: Character vector containing the value passed to
#'     the \code{mod_since argument}, or NULL if no argument was passed.
#'     Formatted as an http date and time string.
#'   \item \emph{only_mod_since}: Character vector containing the value passed
#'     to the \code{only_mod_since} argument, or NULL if no argument was
#'     passed. Formatted as an http date and time string.}
#' Use the \code{attr()} function to retrieve the value of these attributes.
#' @name Standard_attributes

# FIRST CHAMPIONSHIP DATA - 2016 ===============================================
#' 2016 FRC Championship Data
#' The firstapiR package includes data sets for the 2016 FRC Championship. Each
#' data set was produced by the \code{firstapiR::GetAll()} function and consists
#' of a list of data frames that were returned by the various event-related
#' \code{Get___()} functions. See the documentation for \code{GetAll()} for
#' details on the contents of these data sets.
#' There is a data set for every championship division, and for the final
#' championship matches on the Einstein field. The \code{einstein2016} data set
#' is smaller than the other data sets because it doesn't have qualification or
#' alliance selection data. Each data set is stored in it's own rda file in the
#' package's data directory.
#' @seealso \link{GetAll}
#' @docType data
#' @name FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data

#' @rdname FRC_Data
irwinsnet/firstapiR documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 5:13 p.m.