
This is a simple R pacakge to make it easy to perform first hand data exploration. Like, number of rows, finiding missing values, summary of datatypes, and more!



Since this package is not on Cran, the easiest way is to use devtools.



There are Six(6) functions in this package * dsetinfo : gives number of variables, observation, number and percentage of missing vlaues, percentage of unique rows. * var_tpes : gives number of available data types in the dataset. * vis_mdata : gives a visualization of rows with missing values. * data_summary : this simply uses mummary function and arranges the result in a nice hovarable table * samp_data : give a sample of the data. 20 rows. * full_profile : puts everything together

### Code Examples This examples uses mtcars dataset.

desetinfo r Rprofiling::dsetinfo(mtcars) Result: data_summary

var_types r Rprofiling::var_types(mtcars) Result: var_types

vis_mdata r Rprofiling::vis_mdat(mtcars) Result: viz_mdata

data_summary r Rprofiling::data_summary(mtcars) Result: data_summary

samp_data r Rprofiling::samp_data(mtcars) Result: samp_data

full_profile r Rprofiling::full_profile(mtcars) Result: full_profile


All contribution are welcome. Please help make this package more useful to every domain.

isaac34mi/Rprofiling documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:45 a.m.