Man pages for isabelfulcher/autognet
Estimation of causal network effects

agcEffectEvaluate the network causal effects from estimated Gibbs...
agcParamEstimate parameters from the covariate and outcome model via...
autognetautognet: an R package for network data effect estimations
auxVarCppRun Gibbs sampler for auxiliary covariate values using Rcpp
auxVarOutcomeCppRun Gibbs sampler for auxiliary outcome values using Rcpp
networkGibbsOutCovCppRun Gibbs sampler for covariates to use in network causal...
networkGibbsOuts1CppEstimate overall network causal effect
networkGibbsOuts2CppEstimate components for direct and spillover effects
isabelfulcher/autognet documentation built on Aug. 23, 2020, 9:42 a.m.