Man pages for isglobal-brge/GCCA
Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis having missing individuals

gccaGeneralized canonical correlation
genCoordsSubset a MultiAssayExperiment object by specific genomic...
getSignifGeneralized canonical correlation with missing individuals
getTablesSplits a MultiAssayExperiment in a list of tables
imputeImputes each assay matrix data from a MultiAssayExperiment...
matrix.chr2numFormats a character matrix into a numeric matrix (used for...
mgccaGeneralized canonical correlation with missing individuals
mgcca_bdGeneralized canonical correlation with missing individuals...
mgcca_hdf5Generalized canonical correlation with missing individuals...
plotIndsPlot variables correlations with shared canonical components
plotVarsPlot variables correlations with shared canonical components
topVarsGeneralized canonical correlation with missing individuals
isglobal-brge/GCCA documentation built on Feb. 19, 2022, 9:21 a.m.