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# Here is where you input your data from your Part B max wavelength experiment

Color <- c("Color 1", "Color 2", "ETC") #Input the names of the colors you tested.  This is not a numerical variable, therefore the words must be surrounded by quotation marks. Example: "Red"
Blank <- c(value1, value2, etc) #Input the resistance (in kOhms) for the empty cuvette.  This is a numerical variable and therefore the numbers can be entered directly, without quotes. Example: c(12.5, 14.5)
Water <- c(value1, value2, etc) #Input the resistance (in kOhms) for cuvette filled with just water.  This is a numerical variable and therefore the numbers can be entered directly, without quotes. Example: c(12.5, 14.5)
Blue <- c(value1, value2, etc) #Input the resistance (in kOhms) for the cuvette filled with 10 µM Blue Food dye

Transmittance_Blue <-   #Mathmatically calculate $T from your raw resistance variables above (Blank and Blue)
Transmittance_Water <-   #Mathmatically calculate %T from your raw resistance variables above (Blank and Water)

Transmittance <- #We want the transmittance only due to the blue food coloring and not any interaction of the water.  For reasons we won't go into, this is done by taking 100*Transmittance_Blue divided by the Transmittance_water
#Another way to present data is in a graph.  This is helpful for seeing a trend.  We are going to create a bar graph of your results to see a trend in how transmittance changes with color of light. 

data1 <- data.frame(Transmittance, Color) #creates a data frame for variables.

ggplot(data= dataframe, aes(x=xname, y=yname)) + #You need to assign the data frame your variables are in (data1) and the X vector name (Color) and Y vector name (Transmittance).
  geom_bar( ) 


Question 1: What region of the light interacts most with the FD&C Blue 1? Use your graph to support your conclusion with data.

Delete these words and type in answer.

Question 2: Based upon your data in table 1 and figure 1, explain why a solution of FD&C Blue 1 appears blue.

Delete these words and type in answer.

Question 3: How accurate is the DIY spectrophotometric data? Explain your reasoning in 1-2 sentences. (Hint: Based upon the lab spectrum, what is the lambda max for FD&C blue? Does this data match your DIY data?)

Delete these words and type in answer.

Question 4: How precise is the DIY spectrophotometric data? Explain your reasoning in 1-2 sentences.

Delete these words and type in answer.

ismayc/chemistr documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 12:44 p.m.