
| Reed Chemistry Analytics | Chem 102 "Insert Lab Section" | Portland, OR 97202 | Link to RStudio File: "Input Link Here"

| r format(Sys.Date(), "%B %e, %Y") #This code provides the current date. Don't change.

Dear Electrolytes LLC: r #Below this you should type your letter. See appendix 9A in instructions for an example letter. | This letter is in regards to......


Your Names

Calculations Appendix

#Take a picture of the following calculations.  Make sure it is NEAT, legible and all units are included. See the Appendix 9A example.  Calculations should include: 1) Heat Capacity of Calorimeter, 2) Heat of Reaction for one salt trial. 3) Hot Pack calculations for total mass needed and total price for a pack. If no one in your group has good handwriting, then you are also welcome to type in the calculations but they should be jus as clear and easy to follow, with units.

include_graphics("Image name") #Between the quotes, type the name of your image file EXACTLY as it appears in the file you uploaded. To make this work, you must upload the picture into the same folder on RStudio that you saved this file into and it must be a jpeg or png file.  .heic files will not work.  If you have mutliple pictures, just copy and paste more of these functions.  If you are struggling to get this to work, the picture can be added to your knitted word document instead.
#Calorimetry Results

NH4CH3COO <-  c()#Input the calculated heats of reaction for ammonium acetate (kJ/mol) for each trial
NH4CH3COO_Avg <-  mean(NH4CH3COO) #Calculate the Average heat of reaction units= kJ/mol
NH4CH3COO_sd <- sd(NH4CH3COO) #Standard deviation of trials
NH4CH3COO_n <- length(NH4CH3COO) #Number of trials
NH4CH3COO_95CI <- qt(0.975,df=NH4CH3COO_n-1)*NH4CH3COO_sd/sqrt(NH4CH3COO_n) #Calculate the 95% Confidence Interval 
NH4CH3COO_Mass <-  #Mass of salt needed to create a 100-mL hot pack that reaches 50C
NH4CH3COO_Cost <-   #Cost analysis units = price per hot pack.

CaCl2 <- c()#Input the calculated heats of reaction for calcium chloride (kJ/mol)
CaCl2_Avg <-  #Calculate the Average heat of reaction units= kJ/mol
CaCl2_sd <-  #Standard deviation of trials
CaCl2_n <-  #Number of trials
CaCl2_95CI <- #Calculate the 95% Confidence Interval 
CaCl2_Mass <-  #Mass of salt needed to create a 100-mL hot pack that reaches 50C
CaCl2_Cost <-   #Cost analysis units = price per hot pack. 

MgCl2 <-  c()#Input the calculated heats of reaction for magnesium chloride (kJ/mol)
MgCl2_Avg <-  #Calculate the Average heat of reaction units= kJ/mol
MgCl2_sd <- #Standard deviation of trials
MgCl2_n <-  #Number of trials
MgCl2_95CI <- #Calculate the 95% Confidence Interval 
MgCl2_Mass <-  #Mass of salt needed to create a 100-mL hot pack that reaches 50C
MgCl2_Cost <-   #Cost analysis units = price per hot pack.  

NaCH3COO <-  c()#Input the calculated heats of reaction for sodium acetate (kJ/mol) for each trial
NaCH3COO_Avg <-   #Calculate the Average heat of reaction units= kJ/mol
NaCH3COO_sd <-  #Standard deviation of trials
NaCH3COO_n <-  #Number of trials
NaCH3COO_95CI <- #Calculate the 95% Confidence Interval 
NaCH3COO_Mass <-  #Mass of salt needed to create a 100-mL hot pack that reaches 50C
NaCH3COO_Cost <-   #Cost analysis units = price per hot pack.  

Salt <- c("NH4CH3COO", "CaCl2", "MgCl2", "NaCH3COO")
Avg_M <- c(NH4CH3COO_Avg, CaCl2_Avg, MgCl2_Avg, NaCH3COO_Avg)
CI_95 <- c(NH4CH3COO_95CI, CaCl2_95CI, MgCl2_95CI, NaCH3COO_95CI)
Mass <- c(NH4CH3COO_Mass, CaCl2_Mass, MgCl2_Mass, NaCH3COO_Mass)
Cost <- c(NH4CH3COO_Cost, CaCl2_Cost, MgCl2_Cost, NaCH3COO_Cost)

Cal_Results <-  data.frame(Salt, Avg_M, CI_95, Mass, Cost) #Create a data frame of the calorimetry results. 

Cal_Table <- chem_table(Cal_Results, caption = "Input Caption") #Create a table of the results. Don't forget a caption that is in sentence format explaining what the table represents. 

#Remember after you knit it into a word document, make sure that you use the correct significant figures to report the values and units are added to the column headings.
#RAMP Table.  You can either fill out this table in R OR kinit to word and complete the table in word.

Salt <- c("NH4CH3COO", "CaCl2", "MgCl2", "NaCH3COO")
Recognize <- c("","","","") #To add table content in R, place text between parenthesis
Assess <- c("","","","")
Minimize <- c("","","","")
Prepare <- c("","","","")

RAMP_Results <-  data.frame(Salt, Recognize, Assess, Minimize, Prepare) #Create a dataframe of the average results. 

RAMP_Table <- chem_table(RAMP_Results, caption = "Input Caption") #Create a table of the results. Don't forget a caption that is in sentence format explaining what the table represents. 

ismayc/chemistr documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 12:44 p.m.