PASTA - resource maps take doi's; metadata have their own pid convention

id <- "")

x <- dataone::query(dataone::CNode("PROD"), 
                      list(q = paste0('identifier:"', id, '"'),
                           fl = "identifier, isDocumentedBy, resourceMap"), as = "data.frame"))

Resource maps do not always have associated metadata objects: of 4363 randomly queried resource maps, 1063 did not have associated metadata...but possibly this is a query issue? might not have gotten results of metadata + rm

x <- dataone::query(cn, 
               list(q = 'resourceMap:* AND -obsoletedBy:*',
                    fl = "*",
                    rows = 10000),
               as = "data.frame")
system("say Just finished!") #for mac only

x2 <- x %>% 
    select(identifier, formatType, isDocumentedBy, datasource, documents, resourceMap)

x3 <- x2 %>%  
    group_by(resourceMap, formatType, datasource) %>% 
    summarize(count = n()) %>% 
    spread(formatType, count)

# 1063/4363 resource maps do not have associated metadata

isteves/dataimport documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:39 a.m.