Man pages for italocegatta/rapidr
Tools for processing RapidEye images

ciCompute the CI index
ci_reCompute the CI index using red edge band
clip_rasterCrop and mask a raster by polygon
extract2dfExtract a zonal statistics by polygon
mtciCompute the MTCI index
ndviCompute the NDVI index
ndvi_reCompute the NDVI index using red edge band
path_imgGet the path of .img files
path_shpGet the path of .shp files
path_tifGet the path of .tif files
rapid_dateGet the acquisition date
rapid_epsgGet the EPSG reference coordinate
rapid_hourGet the acquisition hour
rapid_latlonGet the central latitude and longitude of the tile
rapid_reflecConvert the Digital Number from raw image to Reflectance
rapid_sfGet the Scale Factor for all bands
srCompute the SR index
sr_reCompute the SR index using red edge band
vari_reCompute the VARI index using red edge band
italocegatta/rapidr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:52 a.m.