ccdrPath-class: ccdrPath class

Description Details Methods


Convenience wrapper class for output of CCDr algorithm: Represents the entire solution path of the CCDr algorithm. Its components are of type ccdrFit-class. Also inherits from list.


Each value of lambda in the (discrete) solution path corresponds to a single DAG estimate, which is of the form (Phi, Rho) (see Aragam and Zhou (2015), JMLR for details). Internally, this estimate is represented by a ccdrFit-class object. The full solution path is then represented as a list of ccdrFit-class objects: This class is essentially a wrapper for this list.


get.adjacency.matrix, lambda.grid, num.nodes, num.edges, num.samples

itsrainingdata/ccdr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:12 a.m.