
#' Flower abundance data to accompany the \emph{Silene} visitation network
#' Floral abundance data for the five flower species recorded in the Silene flower
#'   visitation network (see \code{\link{Silene}}) for full details.
#' @format A data frame with 11 rows and six columns. Each row represents the
#'   floral abundance on one sampling occasion. The first column (\code{Visit})
#'   lists the codes for the sampling visit (V1--V11), whilst the remaining five
#'   variables represent the abundance of each of the flower species.
#' @source Gibson, R.H., Nelson, I.L., Hopkins, G.W., Hamlett, B.J. &
#'   Memmott, J. (2006) Pollinator webs, plant communities and the conservation
#'   of rare plants: arable weeds as a case study. \emph{Journal of Applied
#'   Ecology}, \strong{43}, 246--257.
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