Man pages for ivaughan/nullnetr
Null Model Analysis for Ecological Networks

bipartite_statsTest for significant differences in a range of network...
BroadstonePart of the highly-resolved food web from Broadstone Stream,...
Broadstone.fl'Forbidden' links to accompany the 'Broadstone' data set
Broadstone.nodesAbundance and body mass data to accompany the 'Broadstone'...
Broadstone.preyMacroinvertebrate abundance data to accompany the...
generate_edgelistExport null modelling results
generate_null_netNull models for ecological networks
nullnetrnullnetr: tools for using null models to analyse the...
plot_bipartitePlot a bipartite network, colour coding individual links...
plot_preferencesPlot the resource preferences of a consumer
SileneFlower visitation network from an arable field in the UK
Silene.plantsFlower abundance data to accompany the _Silene_ visitation...
test_interactionsCompare observed interaction strengths in a network to those...
WelshStreamsPart of the food web from upland streams in south Wales, UK
WelshStreams.fl'Forbidden' links to accompany the upland streams food web
WelshStreams.orderAdditional data to assist with plotting outputs from...
WelshStreams.preyMacroinvertebrate abundance to accompany part of the food web...
ivaughan/nullnetr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2 p.m.