Man pages for izhbannikov/spm
Stochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Outcomes

assign_to_globalfunction loading results in global environment
ex_dataThis is the longitudinal genetic dataset.
func1An internal function to compute m and gamma based on...
get.column.indexAn internal function to obtain column index by its name
getNextY.contAn internal function to compute next Y based on...
getNextY.cont2An internal function to compute next value of physiological...
getNextY.discrAn internal function to compute the next value of...
getNextY.discr.mAn internal function to compute next m based on dicrete-time...
getPrevY.discrAn internal function to compute previous value of...
getPrevY.discr.mAn internal function to compute previous m based on...
longdatThis is the longitudinal dataset.
LRTestLikelihood-ratio test
mAn internal function to compute m from
make.short.formatAn internal function which construct short data format from a...
muAn internal function to compute mu
prepare_dataData pre-processing for analysis with stochastic process...
prepare_data_contPrepares continuouts-time dataset.
prepare_data_discrPrepares discrete-time dataset.
sigma_sqAn internal function to compute sigma square analytically
simdata_contMulti-dimensional simulation function for continuous-time...
simdata_discrMulti-dimension simulation function
simdata_gamma_frailtyThis script simulates data using familial frailty model. We...
simdata_time_depSimulation function for continuous trait with time-dependant...
sim_pobsMulti-dimension simulation function for data with partially...
spmA central function that estimates Stochastic Process Model...
spm_con_1dFitting a 1-D SPM model with constant parameters
spm_con_1d_gFitting a 1-D genetic SPM model with constant parameters
spm_continuousContinuous multi-dimensional optimization
spm_cont_linContinuous multi-dimensional optimization with linear terms...
spm_cont_quad_linContinuous multi-dimensional optimization with quadratic and...
spm_discreteDiscrete multi-dimensional optimization
spm.imputeMultiple Data Imputation with SPM
spm_pobsContinuous-time multi-dimensional optimization for SPM with...
spm_projectionA data projection with previously estimated or user-defined...
spm_time_depA function for the model with time-dependent model...
stpmStochastic Process Model for Analysis of Longitudinal and...
trimReturns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
trim.leadingReturns string w/o leading whitespace
trim.trailingReturns string w/o trailing whitespace
vitstatVital (mortality) statistics.
izhbannikov/spm documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 12:15 p.m.