data_PoolFreqs: An example pooled allele frequency data set

data_PoolFreqsR Documentation

An example pooled allele frequency data set


A long-format data table containing individual genotypes for 4 populations, each with 30 individuals, and 200 biallelic SNP loci. Simulated with FastSimCoal2 (Excoffier et al., 2013).




A data table with 800 rows and 11 columns.


These columns would be created by genomalicious::poolne_estim_outputs:

  • CHROM = The contig ID.

  • POS = The SNP position.

  • LOCUS = The unique locus ID.

  • ALT = The alternate allele.

  • REF = The reference allele.

  • POOL = The pool ID.

  • FREQ = The frequency of the alternate allele.

  • DP = The total read depth.

  • AO = The alternate read counts.

  • RO = The reference read counts.


Gautier et al. (2013) Estimation of population allele frequencies from next-generation sequencing data: pool-versus individual-based genotyping. Molecular Ecology, 22(14), 3766–3779.

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