
#' @title autoxgboost default parameter set for impact encoding.
#' @description
#'  This is the default parameter set for xgboost that is used for tuning if impact encoding is used.
#'  For a documentation of the parameter see \code{\link{createImpactFeatures}}.
#'  By default this set is used:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{slope.param}{Controls the rate of transition \eqn{\lambda}: Between \code{2^-10 = 0.00097...} and \code{4096}.}
#'    \item{trust.param}{Determines half of the minimal sample size for which we completely "trust" the conditional
#'   probability of a factor level: Between \code{0} and \code{4096}.}
#'    }
#' @name impactencodingparset
#' @rdname impactencodingparset
#' @export

impactencodingparset = makeParamSet(
  makeNumericParam("slope.param", lower = 2^-10, upper = 2^12),
  makeNumericParam("trust.param", lower = 0L, upper = 2^12)
ja-thomas/autoxgboost documentation built on April 9, 2020, 11:10 p.m.