Man pages for jachan1/repFxns
Utility Functions for Reports

ggsurvKM Curves with ggplot generic function to create a ggplot...
ggsurv_mggsurv multi level helper
ggsurv_sggsurv single level helper
ggsurv.survfitggsurv survfit s3 object
ggsurv.survfit.coxggsurv s3 survfit cox object
grp_tircprint out grouped table
tab1_fxnTable Maker generic function to create a summary table of...
tab1_fxn_hprtab1 helper function
test_grpdo tests of group differences
theme_bgBiostats Group ggplot Theme theme with no background or...
TIRCHTML Table With Some Extras generic function to print html...
txtRoundA Rounding Function This function rounds a number and returns...
jachan1/repFxns documentation built on July 20, 2021, 10:51 p.m.