
# custom will be the editable target that will re-generate
# optimisation results

custom <- reactiveValues(target = 0.9)

# slider UI
output$UI_909090_1_slider <- renderUI({
    sliderInput(inputId = "slider_909090_1", label = NULL, min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.9, step = 0.01, round = FALSE, ticks = FALSE, width = NULL)

output$UI_909090_2_slider <- renderUI({
    sliderInput(inputId = "slider_909090_2", label = NULL, min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.9, step = 0.01, round = FALSE, ticks = FALSE, width = NULL)

output$UI_909090_3_slider <- renderUI({
    sliderInput(inputId = "slider_909090_3", label = NULL, min = 0, max = 1, value = 0.9, step = 0.01, round = FALSE, ticks = FALSE, width = NULL)

# valueBox UI
output$VB_909090_1 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(input$slider_909090_1), subtitle = "Diagnosed / PLHIV", color = "red", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))
output$VB_909090_2 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(input$slider_909090_2), subtitle = "On Treatment / Diagnosed", color = "red", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))
output$VB_909090_3 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(input$slider_909090_3), subtitle = "Virally Suppressed / On Treatment", color = "red", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))

# cumulative valueBox UI
output$VB_cum_909090_1 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(input$slider_909090_1),
        subtitle = "Diagnosed / PLHIV ", color = "orange", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))

output$VB_cum_909090_2 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(round(input$slider_909090_1 * input$slider_909090_2, digits = 2)),
        subtitle = "On Treatment / PLHIV", color = "orange", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))

output$VB_cum_909090_3 <- renderValueBox({
    valueBox(value = scales::percent(round(input$slider_909090_1 * input$slider_909090_2 * input$slider_909090_3, digits = 2)),
        subtitle = "Virally Suppressed / PLHIV", color = "orange", width = NULL, icon = icon("bullseye", lib = "font-awesome"))

# Observe function on any change to the sliders, and update custom$target
    # dependency on sliders

    # update reactiveValues
    custom$target <- input$slider_909090_1 * input$slider_909090_2 * input$slider_909090_3

# reset targets button
observeEvent(input$resetTarget, {
jackolney/CascadeDashboard documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:56 a.m.