

NCORE <- detectCores() - 1
BASED <- "~/Work/Data/ECOS"

r Sys.time()

Get Base Data


Before initializing the run across all T & E species, we need to get up-to-date data from the main table of ECOS:

TECP_init <- get_TECP_baseline()
TECP_table <- TECP_init$TECP_table
TECP_summary <- TECP_init$TECP_summary
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", paste0("TECP_table", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", paste0("TECP_summary", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

At this initial scrape, it is interesting to see one Hawaiian species' common name, which features backticks, gets turned to "code" (e.g., Abutilon menziesii). We will keep the summary df of the TECP_table for joining with the per-species page scrape summary data, to be saved later.

Get Species' Pages


Now we can get every species' ECOS page and save them all locally, which will facilitate all sorts of processing:

# The initial scraping was done 07 Dec 2016 ca. 2am, but other R code chunks
# run later in the day to 
urls <- TECP_table$Species_Page[1:20]
dirs <- paste0(BASED, "/species/", TECP_table$Species_Code[1:20])
res <- lapply(dirs, function(x) if(!dir.exists(x)) dir.create(x, recursive = TRUE))
fils <-  file.path(dirs, paste0(TECP_table$Species_Code[1:20], 
                                "_", Sys.Date(), ".html"))
results <- mcmapply(download_species_page, 
                    urls, fils, 
                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                    USE.NAMES = FALSE, 
                    mc.cores = NCORE, 
                    mc.preschedule = FALSE)
results <- bind_rows(results)
results$species <- TECP_table$Scientific_Name[1:20]
ECOS_dl_08Dec2016 <- results

Oh, the possibilities! For example, we could create a parallel ECOS that includes more information in a better layout than ECOS provides...hmmmm.

Page Processing

Now that we have local copies, it's time to get out the information we need.

Page hashes

First, we need the MD5 hash of the page content, which will be the first step in determining if pages have changed since the last scrape.

files <- ECOS_dl_08Dec2016$dest
md5s <- mclapply(files,
                 mc.cores = NCORE,
                 mc.preschedule = FALSE)
ECOS_dl_08Dec2016$MD5 <- unlist(md5s)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("ECOS_dl_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))
kable(head(ECOS_dl_08Dec2016, 10))

Page links

We will want all of the links (URLs) on each species' page, not only to fetch that information but also to check whether any changes detected from the hashing are 'substantive' changes.

sp_links <- mclapply(files, 
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
ECOS_species_links <- bind_rows(sp_links)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", "ECOS_species_links.rda"))
kable(head(ECOS_species_links, 10))

That gives us r length(ECOS_species_links[[1]]) URLs that may be of use. Just out of curiosity, how many are links to images? (Note that this does not include the PNGs of species' ranges.)

img <- filter(ECOS_species_links,
                    pattern = "jpg$|JPG$|gif$|png$"))

Page tables

The tables on each species' page contain useful information, so we will extract all the tables.

tabs <- mclapply(files,
                 mc.cores = NCORE,
                 mc.preschedule = FALSE)
tab_names <- map(1:length(tabs), function(x) names(tabs[[x]])) %>%
               unlist() %>% unique()
names(tabs) <- c(as.character(seq(1, length(tabs))))
species_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "SP_TAB")
fedreg_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "FR_TAB")
recovery_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "REC_TAB")
adddoc_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "DOC_TAB")
fiveyr_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "REV_TAB")
crithab_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "CH_TAB")
HCP_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "HCP Plan Summaries")
SHA_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "SHA Plan Summaries")
CCA_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "CCA Plan Summaries")
CCAA_table <- bind_tables(tabs, "CCAA Plan Summaries")
kable(head(species_table, 10))


The petitions table on ECOS pages are javascript-generated and don't appear when scraping using the "normal" approach. The phantomjs scraping approach only works in-part because the use of DataTables on ECOS cuts off content. But the source of petition data is accessible, so we can generate the tables.

TSN <- unlist(lapply(files, get_species_tsn))
petitions_table <- lapply(TSN, get_petitions_table)
names(petitions_table) <- ECOS_dl_08Dec2016$species
petitions_table <- bind_rows(petitions_table)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("petitions_table_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))
if(dim(petitions_table)[1] > 0) kable(head(petitions_table))

Now that we have the petitions table, we can anaylze factors that may affect whether FWS lists a species.

Counties of occurrence

Although we have manually curated the counties-of-occurrence data for most species elsewhere, we want to be able to automate the downloading and monitor for changes.

co_urls <- filter(ECOS_species_links, 
                  grepl(ECOS_species_links$link, pattern = "countiesBySpecies"))
counties_tabs <- mcmapply(get_counties, 
                          co_urls$link, co_urls$Scientific_Name,
                          SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                          mc.cores = NCORE,
                          mc.preschedule = FALSE)
counties_table <- bind_rows(counties_tabs)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("counties_table_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

Section 10 agreements

Voluntary conservation agreements authorized under section 10 of the ESA include HCPs, SHAs, and CCA/As. We can get metadata for all agreements linked to a species, including links to agreement documents when provided. Unfortunately, FWS records different data for each type of conservation agreement, so we have to keep each of the types separate. On the upside, doing so makes it easier to identify the different types of plans.

HCP_url <- HCP_table$Doc_Link
HCP_spp <- HCP_table$Species
HCP_data <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_data,
                     HCP_url, HCP_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
HCP_data <- bind_rows(HCP_data)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("HCP_data_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

HCP_docs <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_doc_links,
                     HCP_url, HCP_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
HCP_docs <- bind_rows(HCP_docs)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("HCP_docs_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

SHA_url <- SHA_table$Doc_Link
SHA_spp <- SHA_table$Species
SHA_data <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_data,
                     SHA_url, SHA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
SHA_data <- bind_rows(SHA_data)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("SHA_data_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

SHA_docs <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_doc_links,
                     SHA_url, SHA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
SHA_docs <- bind_rows(SHA_docs)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("SHA_docs_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

CCA_url <- CCA_table$Doc_Link
CCA_spp <- CCA_table$Species
CCA_data <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_data,
                     CCA_url, CCA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
CCA_data <- bind_rows(CCA_data)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("CCA_data_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

CCA_docs <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_doc_links,
                     CCA_url, CCA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
CCA_docs <- bind_rows(CCA_docs)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("CCA_docs_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

CCAA_url <- CCAA_table$Doc_Link
CCAA_spp <- CCAA_table$Species
CCAA_data <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_data,
                     CCAA_url, CCAA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
CCAA_data <- bind_rows(CCAA_data)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("CCAA_data_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

CCAA_docs <- mcmapply(get_conservation_plan_doc_links,
                     CCAA_url, CCAA_spp,
                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                     USE.NAMES = FALSE,
                     mc.cores = NCORE,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
CCAA_docs <- bind_rows(CCAA_docs)
     file = file.path(BASED, "rda", 
                      paste0("CCAA_docs_", Sys.Date(), ".rda")))

r Sys.time()

jacob-ogre/ecosdata documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8 a.m.