Man pages for jacob-ogre/ecosscraper
Tools to Scrape the ECOS Website,

bind_tablesExtract named tables from a list of tables extracted for >1...
clean_fnameClean a file name
download_documentGET a document from ECOS.
download_picDownload an image file
download_species_pageDownload a species' ECOS page
ecosscraperecosscraper: Get data and documents from ECOS
filter_domesticFilter TECP_table to return only domestic ESA-listed species
filter_listedFilter TECP_table to return only threatened and endangered...
filter_taxaFilter TECP_table to return only species from a given...
find_phantomFind the phantomjs binary
get_5yrev_linksGet the links for ESA five-year review documents from ECOS...
get_agmt_type_linksGet a listing of link suffixes for HCPs, SHA, and CCA/As
get_cca_speciesGet a table of species covered by CCA/As
get_conservation_plan_dataGet data linked to a section 10 conservation plan
get_conservation_plan_doc_linksGet links to documents on a section 10 conservation plan page
get_conservation_plan_land_useGet table of land use types per conservation plan
get_conservation_plan_listed_speciesGet table of species covered by a conservation plan
get_conservation_plan_nonlisted_sppGet table of non-listed species covered by a conservation...
get_cons_plan_linksGet the links to conservation plan pages on ECOS species'...
get_countiesGet the table of counties of occurrence from ECOS
get_ECOS_pageUse phantomjs to get a page from ECOS
get_fedreg_linksGet the links for Federal Register documents on ECOS species'...
get_petitions_tableGet data on ESA action petitions
get_recovery_linksGet the links for recovery plans on ECOS species' pages
get_recovery_tableGet the table at...
get_species_linksReturn all links on a species' ECOS page
get_species_pageReturn the ECOS page for a given species as an xml2 objects
get_species_page_summaryGet a summary of an ECOS page scrape
get_species_tablesGet all tables from a species' ECOS page
get_species_tsnReturn a species' TSN from its ECOS page
get_species_urlReturn the profile page on ECOS for a given species
get_tableReturn a table from an ECOS page
get_TECP_tableGet a df of threatened, endangered, candidate, and proposed...
install_phantomInstall phantomjs
join_for_linksJoin an ECOS table of text with the links to documents
remove_silly_linksRemove useless links from ECOS-scraped webpage
set_base_dirSet the base directory for ecosscraper downloads.
set_TE_list_optSet the URL of the TESS table
TECP_tableData.frame of base information for all ECOS species
jacob-ogre/ecosscraper documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8 a.m.