Man pages for jacobfredsoee/LCEF
A collection of my own most used custom functions (Lord Commander's Essential Functions)

birthdayFromCPRA function for calculating the birthday from a CPR number,...
combineVectorsA function for collapsing 2 or more vectors containing NA...
datediffYearsA function for calculating the number of years between two...
errorcareA wrapper for trycatch, which allows ignoreing of errors and...
ggkmA function for Kaplan-Meier plots with ggplot2
intersectRA recursive function getting intersection from mutiple...
multiplotA function for plotting mutiple gg plots
patientIDFromSampleA function for getting patient ID from biobank labels
sortbyA function for sorting a data.frame by colname
valueConvertA function replacing mutiple values from a vector
valueConvertGrepA function replacing mutiple values from a vector, but using...
jacobfredsoee/LCEF documentation built on Feb. 7, 2021, 8:10 p.m.