Convert ship tracks to DeponsShips object Documentation

Convert ship tracks to DeponsShips object


Convert Automatic Identification System (AIS) data for ships to ship track objects. This is done by cropping one or more ship tracks to the extent of a landscape and converting the data to a DeponsShips-class object. If the AIS data does not include ship positions recorded in half-hour steps, the tracks are interpolated to make objects suitable for use in DEPONS.

Usage, landsc, title = "NA", ...)



data.frame with ship positions and the times at which the positions were recorded. Must contain the columns 'id', 'time' (of the form " type, character), 'length' (ship length, meters), 'x', and 'y' (position, meters/UTM).


A DeponsRaster object corresponding to the landscape that the ships move in. It is assumed that the spatial projection of the ship positions corresponds to that of the DeponsRaster object


Title of the output object


Optional parameters, including 'startday' and 'endday' (" from 'data'. If startday = endday the output object will contain up to 49 positions from the selected date for each vessel track.


Returns a DeponsShips object containing one or more ships assigned to each of the routes in the object. All ships on a particular route move at the same speed along the route. The routes are defined by x and y coordinates based on the same coordinate reference system as the landscape they are located in. The speed that ships use after reaching a particular position (a particular 'virtual buoy') is calculated from the distance to the following position, and the time it takes reaching that position. If speed is included in the input AIS data, this is NOT used. The routes include one position per half-hour time step, corresponding to the default time step used in the DEPONS model. If input data does not include one position per half hour, new positions are generated using linear interpolation. If the input data contains many positions in a particular half-hour interval, only the positions closest to the half-hour interval are used. The routes contain information about the number of half-hour intervals were ships 'pause' at a particular location, e.g. in a port. These are calculated based on the input AIS data.

See Also

aisdata for an example of data that can be used as input to The function builds on, which interpolates tracks to ensure that there is a position every 30 minutes. Use check.DeponsShips for testing if speeds are realistic. See write.DeponsShips for conversion of DeponsShips objects to json-files to be used in DEPONS. Use routes, ships, and title for inspection/modification of the ship tracks.


plot(aisdata$x, aisdata$y, type="n", asp=1)
ids <- sort(unique(aisdata$id))
my.colors <- heat.colors(length(ids))
for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
  id <- ids[i]
  points(aisdata$x[aisdata$id==id], aisdata$y[aisdata$id==id],
     cex=0.6, col=my.colors[i])
plot(bathymetry, add=TRUE)
depons.ais <-, bathymetry)
the.routes <- routes(depons.ais)
for (i in 1:length(ids)) {
points(the.routes[[i]]$x, the.routes[[i]]$y,
        cex=0.6, pch=16, col=my.colors[i])
depons.ais <-, bathymetry,
   startday="2015-12-20", endday="2015-12-20")
aisdata2 <- aisdata
aisdata2$time <- format(as.POSIXct(aisdata$time)+300)
depons.ais2 <-, bathymetry,
                               startday="2015-12-20", endday="2015-12-21")

jacobnabe/DEPONS2R documentation built on Jan. 26, 2025, 9:33 a.m.