simulate_matrix: Generate a list of simulated sample matrices sampled from the...

View source: R/simulate.R

simulate_matrixR Documentation

Generate a list of simulated sample matrices sampled from the Wishart distribution


This function generates simulated sample matrices based on a population matrix and a sample size. It uses the Wishart distribution (i.e., the multivariate \chi^{2} distribution) to obtain data, rescales the data into the input metric, and can be standardized into a correlation matrix by setting as_cor to TRUE. The function can produce a list of matrices for any number of samples.


simulate_matrix(sigma, n, k = 1, as_cor = FALSE)



Population covariance matrix. May be standardized or unstandardized.


Sample size for simulated sample matrices.


Number of sample matrices to generate.


Should the simulated matrices be standardized (TRUE) or unstandardized (FALSE)?


A list of simulated sample matrices.


## Define a hypothetical matrix:
sigma <- reshape_vec2mat(cov = .4, order = 5)

## Simualte a list of unstandardized covariance matrices:
simulate_matrix(sigma = sigma, n = 50, k = 10, as_cor = FALSE)

## Simualte a list of correlation matrices:
simulate_matrix(sigma = sigma, n = 50, k = 10, as_cor = TRUE)

jadahlke/psychmeta documentation built on June 29, 2024, 5:43 a.m.