
# preform/prepare some environmental lookup tables for faster stmv processing and generic lookups of environmental data

  # if (!exists("year.assessment")) {
  #   year.assessment=lubridate::year(Sys.Date())
  #   year.assessment=lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) - 1  # choose one
  # }

  ## NOTE: Now done on the fly (bath, sub, temp)

  ## leave for now for methods that lookup biologicals ..
  ## aegis_lookup() does this on the fly and is pretty fast.
  ## But if ever we need speed up of this, we can create intermediate tables here.

  # default --- not all years have data .. where missing they will be filled with global means
  # some generic and fast st modelling might be better ... TODO
  # p = aegis::aegis_parameters( DS="lookuptables", yrs=1950:year.assessment )
  # for ( gr in c("SSE", "snowcrab") ) {
  #   p = aegis::spatial_parameters(p=p, spatial.domain=gr )
  #   aegis_db( DS="spatial.redo", p=p )
  #   aegis_db( DS="spatial.annual.redo", p=p )
  #   # aegis_db( DS="spatial.annual.seasonal.redo", p=p )   # redundant right now as temperature is the only one with seasonal data .. and that has already been done by tnis point
  #   aegis_db( DS="prediction.surface.redo", p=p ) # used by stmv processes and snowcrab_stmv()
  # }
jae0/emaf documentation built on May 28, 2019, 9:57 p.m.