
Defines functions stmv_matern

stmv_matern = function( distance=NULL, mRange, mSmooth=0.5, parameterization="stmv", returntype="autocorrelation" ) {
  # matern autocorrelation function
  # mSmooth =  Bessl smoothness parameter (aks, "nu")
  # mRange = range parameter (aka "phi", .. not the spatial range)

  #\\ NOTE:: the default parameterization is Wikipedia's paramterization:
  #\\ == Rasmussen, Carl Edward (2006) Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
  #\\  sigma^2 * (2^{1-nu} / Gamma(nu) ) * (sqrt(2*nu) * ||x|| / phi)^{nu} * K_{nu}( sqrt(2*nu) * ||x|| / phi)
  #\\   where K_{nu} is the Bessel function with smooth nu and phi is known as the range parameter
  #\\   ... sigma and tau are not added here ..
  # -------------------------

  if ( mSmooth <= 0 ) warning("mSmooth should be positive to be meaningful")

  mRange_stmv = matern_phi2phi(mRange, mSmooth, parameterization_input=parameterization, parameterization_output="stmv")
  r = distance / mRange_stmv  # distance scaled by range parameter
  r[r<1e-9] = 1e-9

  if (mSmooth==0.5) {
    # simplifies to exponential:
    mat = exp( -r )
  } else if (mSmooth==1.5) {
    u = sqrt(3)*r
    mat = (1+u) * exp(-u)
  } else if (mSmooth==2.5) {
    u = sqrt(5)*r
    mat = (1+u+{u^2}/3) * exp(-u)
  } else {
    u = sqrt(2*mSmooth)*r
    mat = 2^(1-mSmooth) / (gamma(mSmooth)) * u^mSmooth * besselK(u, mSmooth)
  zerodist = which( distance == 0 )
  if (length(zerodist) > 0 ) mat[zerodist] = 1

  if (returntype=="covariance") return(1-mat)
  if (returntype=="autocorrelation") return(mat)

  if (0) {
    dis = 100
    nu = 1
    cor = 0.05
    diss = 0:200
    phi = 10
    ac = stmv_matern( diss, mRange=phi, mSmooth=nu )

    (o = matern_distance2phi( dis, nu, cor))
    (r = matern_phi2distance( o, nu, cor))


jae0/emei documentation built on June 10, 2024, 10:13 a.m.