
#' 15 fluorescence samples from drEEM used for examples.
#' @format eemlist

#' Fluorescence data of 1 sample of the original data set. Used for comparison in the vignette.
#' @format eemlist

#' PARAFAC model, see vignette, unconstrained
#' @format list of parafacs

#' PARAFAC model, see vignette, non-negative constraints
#' @format list of parafacs

#' PARAFAC model, see vignette, non-negative constraints, normalised
#' @format list of parafacs

#' PARAFAC model, see vignette, non-negative constraints, normalised, outliers removed
#' @format list of parafacs

#' PARAFAC model, see vignette, non-negative constraints, normalised, outliers removed, high accuarcy
#' @format list of parafacs

#' result from PARAFAC split-half analysis, periodic data split
#' @format list of parafacs
jakehosen/stardom_aqualog documentation built on May 14, 2019, 3:06 a.m.