
# #' Estimate peaks and troughs
# #'
# #' DEPRECATED: We recommend instead using
# #' [limorhyde](https://github.com/hugheylab/limorhyde), which has support for
# #' cosinor and periodic splines, in combination with methods such as
# #' [limma](https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.limma).
# #'
# #' Estimate the extremum (peak or trough) for each feature by using
# #' [stats::optimize()] and the periodic spline fit. Directly calling
# #' this function is deprecated. Instead, use [zeitzeigerProp()].
# #'
# #' @param fitResult Output of [zeitzeigerFit()].
# #' @param maximum Logical indicating whether to find maximum or minimum.
# #' @param dopar Logical indicating whether to process features in parallel.
# #'   Use [doParallel::registerDoParallel()] to register the parallel backend.
# #'
# #' @return Matrix with a row for each feature and columns for location and value.
# #'
# #' @seealso [zeitzeigerFit()], [zeitzeigerProp()]
# #'
# #' @export
# zeitzeigerExtrema = function(fitResult, maximum = TRUE, dopar = TRUE) {
#   ii = NULL
#   doOp = ifelse(dopar, `%dopar%`, `%do%`)
#   extrema = doOp(foreach(ii = 1:nrow(fitResult$xFitMean), .combine = rbind), {
#     f = function(time) predictIntensity(fitResult$xFitMean[ii, , drop = FALSE], time)[, 1]
#     optResult = stats::optimize(f, interval = c(0, 1), maximum = maximum)
#     matrix(do.call(c, optResult), nrow = 1,
#            dimnames = list(NULL, c('location', 'value')))})}

# #' Calculate the signal-to-noise of the periodic spline fits
# #'
# #' DEPRECATED: We recommend instead using
# #' [`limorhyde`](https://github.com/hugheylab/limorhyde), which has support for
# #' cosinor and periodic splines, in combination with methods such as
# #' [`limma`](https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.limma).
# #'
# #' Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio of the spline fit for each feature. The
# #' SNR is calculated as the peak-to-trough difference, divided by the square
# #' root of the mean of the squared residuals.
# #'
# #' @param fitResult Output of [zeitzeigerFit()].
# #' @param dopar Logical indicating whether to process features in parallel.
# #'   Use [doParallel::registerDoParallel()] to register the parallel backend.
# #'
# #' @return Vector of signal-to-noise values.
# #'
# #' @seealso [zeitzeigerFit()], [zeitzeigerProp()]
# #'
# #' @export
# zeitzeigerSnr = function(fitResult, dopar = TRUE) {
#   maxVal = zeitzeigerExtrema(fitResult, dopar = dopar)[, 'value']
#   minVal = zeitzeigerExtrema(fitResult, maximum = FALSE, dopar = dopar)[, 'value']
#   return((maxVal - minVal) / fitResult$xFitResid)}

# #' Calculate the rhythmic properties of each feature
# #'
# #' DEPRECATED: We recommend instead using
# #' [limorhyde](https://github.com/hugheylab/limorhyde), which has support for
# #' cosinor and periodic splines, in combination with methods such as
# #' [limma](https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.limma).
# #'
# #' Calculate the rhythmic properties of each feature's spline fit: location and
# #' value of peak, location and value of trough, amplitude measured peak to
# #' trough, and signal-to-noise ratio (amplitude divided by the square root of
# #' the mean of the squared residuals).
# #'
# #' @param fitResult Output of [zeitzeigerFit()].
# #' @param dopar Logical indicating whether to process features in parallel.
# #'   Use [doParallel::registerDoParallel()] to register the parallel backend.
# #'
# #' @return `data.frame` with a row for each feature.
# #'
# #' @seealso [zeitzeigerFit()]
# #'
# #' @export
# zeitzeigerProp = function(fitResult, dopar = TRUE) {
#   peak = zeitzeigerExtrema(fitResult, dopar = dopar)
#   trough = zeitzeigerExtrema(fitResult, maximum = FALSE, dopar = dopar)
#   amp = peak[, 'value'] - trough[, 'value']
#   snr = amp / fitResult$xFitResid
#   d = data.frame(
#     snr = snr, amp = amp, peakLoc = peak[, 'location'], peakVal = peak[, 'value'],
#     troughLoc = trough[, 'location'], troughVal = trough[, 'value'])
#   return(d)}

# #' Estimate significance of periodicity by permutation testing
# #'
# #' DEPRECATED: We recommend instead using
# #' [limorhyde](https://github.com/hugheylab/limorhyde), which has support for
# #' cosinor and periodic splines, in combination with methods such as
# #' [limma](https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.limma).
# #'
# #' Estimate the statistical significance of the periodic smoothing spline fit.
# #' At each permutation, the time vector is scrambled and then [zeitzeigerFit()]
# #' is used to fit a periodic smoothing spline for each feature as a function of
# #' time. The p-value for each feature is calculated based on the of permutations
# #' that had a signal-to-noise ratio at least as large as the observed
# #' signal-to-noise ratio, adjusted by the method of
# #' Phipson and Smyth 2010(\doi{https://doi.org/10.2202/1544-6115.1585}). Make sure
# #' to first register the parallel backend using
# #' [doParallel::registerDoParallel()]. For genome-scale data, this will be slow.
# #'
# #' @param x Matrix of measurements, with observations in rows and features in
# #'   columns. Missing values are allowed.
# #' @param time Vector of values of the periodic variable for the observations,
# #'   where 0 corresponds to the lowest possible value and 1 corresponds to the
# #'   highest possible value.
# #' @param nKnots Number of internal knots to use for the periodic smoothing
# #'   spline.
# #' @param nIter Number of permutations.
# #' @param dopar Logical indicating whether to process features in parallel. Use
# #'   [doParallel::registerDoParallel()] to register the parallel backend.
# #'
# #' @return Vector of p-values.
# #'
# #' @seealso [zeitzeigerFit()]
# #'
# #' @export
# zeitzeigerSig = function(x, time, nKnots = 3, nIter = 200, dopar = TRUE) {
#   ii = NULL
#   doOp = ifelse(dopar, `%dopar%`, `%do%`)
#   timeIdx = do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nIter, function(x) sample.int(length(time))))
#   snrRand = doOp(foreach(ii = 1:nIter, .combine = rbind), {
#     timeRand = time[timeIdx[ii, ]]
#     fitResult = zeitzeigerFit(x, timeRand, nKnots)
#     zeitzeigerSnr(fitResult)})
#   fitResult = zeitzeigerFit(x, time, nKnots)
#   snr = zeitzeigerSnr(fitResult, dopar = dopar)
#   snrMat = matrix(rep(snr, nIter), nrow = nIter, byrow = TRUE)
#   # assume x values within a feature are unique,
#   # find number of unique permutations of time vector
#   totalNperm = factorial(length(time)) / prod(factorial(table(time)))
#   sig = statmod::permp(colSums(snrMat <= snrRand), nIter,
#                        total.nperm = totalNperm, twosided = FALSE)
#   return(sig)}
jakejh/zeitzeiger documentation built on Dec. 4, 2022, 4:11 p.m.