
Ranking and Rating Methods

This package includes functions for calculating the linear algebra based Colley and Massey ratings for win-loss data. A detailed vignette is available here.


ratingsR can be installed directly from GitHub.

{r, eval=FALSE} devtools::install_github('jalapic/ratingsR')

Colley Method

The basic Colley method uses colley. Including spread in ratings uses colley_spread. Including ties in ratings uses colley_ties. Weighting for time of win uses colley_weight.

Massey Method

The basic Massey method uses the function massey.


Some worked examples for the Colley ranking methods:

1 2

Some worked examples for the Massey ranking methods:

3 4

jalapic/ratingsR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:18 a.m.