Man pages for jalapic/scrabblr
Scrabble datasets and analysis tools

board_cleanRemove punctuation from scrabble matrix
board_dotsAdd dots to scrabble matrix
board_prettyConvert character matrix to pretty scrabble matrix
boardsBoards of scrabble games
boards_chrBoards of scrabble games
board_wordsGet all words in a scrabble matrix
bonus_squaresDetermine frequency of open bonus squares
finalboardsFinal boards of scrabble games
finalboards_chrFinal boards of scrabble games
notationScrabble board notation
rack_valueGet total value of a scrabble rack
scrab1Example notated scrabble board
scrab2Example notated scrabble board
tilesScrabble tile distribution
turnsDatatable of turns taken in scrabble games
jalapic/scrabblr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:18 a.m.