Man pages for jamesfeigenbaum/jjfPkg
Personal R Package

cong_to_yearConvert between Congress Number and Election Year
fixest_estoutFixest to Tex Fragment Helper Function
fixest_nclustersNumber of Clusters Helper Function for Fixest
fixest_ymeanYmeans Helper Function for Fixest
ipums_codesScrape IPUMS codes for any variable
ipums_educConvert IPUMS educ variable to years of schooling
pipePipe operator
repathRepath function
state.fipsState FIPS look up
state.historicalState Historical Look Ups
state.icpsrState ICPSR look up
state.ipums.bplState IPUMS BPL look up
theme_jjfJJF Theme Function
theme_jjf_slidesJJF Theme Function for Slides
year_to_congConvert between Congress Number and Election Year
jamesfeigenbaum/jjfPkg documentation built on March 31, 2022, 5:33 p.m.