Man pages for jameshasbany/fastlm
Quick Checks and Visualizations for Linear Models

add_one_predictorHelper function that adds one predictor to a model.
add_one_predictor_stringsHelper function that adds one predictor to a model sans...
bootstrap_lmCreates a dataframe of bootstrapped standard errors given a...
check_biasChecks omitted variable bias in a variable between an initial...
check_bias_allChecks omitted variable bias in a variable between an initial...
check_predictorsStarting with a base linear regression, check_predictors...
clustered_errors_lmComputes a linear regression with clustered standard errors.
corrected_errors_lmComputes a linear regression with standard errors corrected...
model_to_formulaExtracts formula call from an lm object
pipePipe operator
residual_boxplotsCreates scatter plot of residuals and fitted values (and...
residual_histogramPlots the histogram of regression residuals to check for...
residual_scatterplotsCreates scatter plot of residuals and fitted values (and...
tidy_lmA simple wrapper on 'lm()' that takes input in a...
jameshasbany/fastlm documentation built on July 26, 2020, 9:40 a.m.