
Implementation notes

Anchor Modeling AM instance is an R6 reference class objects, it stores some metadata and AM$data data.table storing anchor modeling entities with their attributes. Those are called here AMobj, which is simply a superclass for classes anchor, attribute, tie, knot, all those are stored in obj column: AM$data$obj. The data of each entity is stored in AM$data$obj[[i]]$data. AM class is a anchor modeling metadata manager, while AMobj objects are the entities in model. There is one more class called IM Identity Management which serves surrogate key generation and natural key storage. By default it is automatically used on AM$load method based on natural keys provided in mapping argument.

For the difference views the sqlserver cross apply or postgres cross join lateral has been substituted by data.table rolling join. Distinct union of all historized attributes (fields: ID and timestamp) which presents all combinations of PK is joined to each attribute using rolling join. The code responsible for that you can find in AM$joinv method.

Additionally, rolling join has been used to handle restatement/idempotency while loading data into AM instance. There are two rolling joins, one vs past roll = +Inf and one vs future roll = -Inf. Can be found in AMobj$load method.

Joining in data.table is performed on clustered keys which makes rolling joins very efficient.

Saving AM instance to off-memory storage, for later loading and operating on it, is working, but was not deeply tested. User may in fact use the flexibility which gives Anchor Modeling. Besides of keeping the latest AM instance, it is simple to keep full scripts which builds the current state of AM, including data from their mirrors. An optional unit test and continuous integration for auto deployment is in place.

jangorecki/anchormodeling documentation built on May 18, 2019, 12:24 p.m.